Pubblicato: 17-07-2011

Strokes a Vigevano: il comunicato degli organizzatori

The Strokes sito 57118 1 300x165 Strokes a Vigevano: il comunicato degli organizzatori

Dopo l’ondata di indignazione che č seguita al disastroso concerto degli Strokes a Vigevano per il Flippaut Alternative Reload, Barley Arts ha diramato un comunicato dal simpatico titolo The Strokes @ Flippaut: Alternate Current / Direct C… ommunication (rigorosamente in inglese):

To the fans who attended Flippaut Festival with The Strokes  on Tuesday, 12th July, 2011:

Barley Arts and The Strokes are aware and deeply sorry the show was not as great as the audience and themselves would expect.

Unfortunately, after a whole day of Festival without any problem, in the second part of The Strokes’s set, a power loss happened, forcing the band to stop the set 4 times and then cut a few songs out of the planned set list.

The cut off was neither band’s nor promoter’s fault, though it was everybody’s disappointment. Out of this awarness and with full respect of the audience and their patience, Barley Arts and the Strokes did all that was possible to restore the stage audio power and give the fans the full, long awaited show, but as the try didn’t succeed, now they can but sincerely apologize for the inconvenience, that turned out to be an unfair end of a beautiful day for The Strokes, Barley Arts, and last – but not least at all – the fans.”

(Articolo tratto da: del lug 14, 2011)